Samaritans LogoYou can call Samaritans free on 116 123 day or night, 365 days a year, from any phone in the UK or Republic of Ireland. A trained volunteer will answer the phone as soon as they can.

When you email us, we aim to respond within 24 hours. This means it will usually be several hours before someone reads your email. If you need urgent support, we can respond more quickly if you call.

You can find more information about Samaritans, including other ways to contact, online self-help and more about the email service at Our privacy statement is here:

Samaritans Ireland is a charity registered in the Republic of Ireland (20033668).

Aware logo

Aware is the national organisation providing support, education and information services for those impacted by depression, bipolar disorder and other mood related conditions. Founded in 1985 the organisation developed in response to the clear need for information, understanding and support, both for individuals with a diagnosis of depression or bipolar disorder as well as family members supporting a loved one. For more information, please visit


  • Support Line – Freephone 1800 80 48 48 | 365 days a year | 10am-10pm
  • Support Mail – [email protected] | Answered within 24hrs
  • Support & Self Care Groups – Zoom, phone in and in person | See


alone-logoALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home. Our work is for all older people and aims to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. We have a National network of staff and volunteers who provide an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support and Assistive Technology.

We use individualised support plans, to address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing, transport and other arising needs using technology and through harnessing other services.

We work to empower the whole sector of community support for older people through our Community Impact Network that provides Training, IT support and resources to other organisations.
Our website is

The ‘Bereavement: When someone close dies’ booklet published by the HSE provides an overview of the practical and emotional issues that bereaved people may face when someone close dies including information on

  • the many different responses to grief that people may experience and explores ways to cope
  • practical matters such as registering the death, post mortem examinations, managing financially, and dealing with legal issues.
  • organisations that provide bereavement support including information on helplines and bereavement self-help resources which are also available on the bereavement support section of the HSE website here.

A hardcopy of the ‘Bereavement: When someone close dies’ booklet is available to order free of charge:

  • Visit:
  • From the Search by topic list, select ‘Bereavement’
  • Please register if you wish to order more than 5 copies of the booklet. Once logged in, you may order up to 50 copies of the booklet.

  1. Coping with grief after bereavement or loss
  2. Children and bereavement
  3. Bereavement supports and services

Hse logoNational Counselling services The HSE National Counselling Service, established in 2000, has a proven track record of providing consistent, quality, counselling and psychotherapy to a wide range of clients.

The NCS is available free of charge across the country to residents in the Republic of Ireland.The aim of the NCS is to support clients to improve their quality of life and reduce their psychological distress through the provision of evidence-based, professional, client centred counselling.

The NCS employs qualified, accredited and experienced Counsellor/Therapists.Face-to-face, counselling by phone and online video counselling are available.